Who is this Abraxox character,  really?

My name is David. I created the persona-turned-screen name Abraxox in 1993, long before the German crime-drama episode Abraxox Must Die was ever released, for those who have been wondering.) I created the name by blending "Abraxas", a Greek magical word, with the name of my music project, XOX. The name (© 2024) Abstract Dreamteching was created as a production name for my creative efforts. And, as seems to be the case with my screen name, my created word dreamtech has been adopted and used by several companies I am aware of. The name 'Abraxos' was used as a dragon's name in the book "Heir of Fire" by Sarah J. Maas, released in 2014. Coincidence? Perhaps.

I am a creative spirit, by nature. I enjoy writing, poetry, painting, creating music, photography, and exploring thought outside the box. I hold an interest in a self-realized aspect of the English language I termed psycholinguistics, I once had extensive writings on this posted on a previous website, but lost the digital copies of the work and never endeavored to recreate it. Some years afterward, the field of Neurolinguistics began to receive increasing public attention, and I found the interconnections to be intriguing, My concept of Psycholinguistics proffers that words hold conceptual secrets, often 'hidden' in plain sight but ritually dismissed by conscious thought before acknowledgement For example: Socialize = Social-Lies. Consider the implications of socialization, and the inherent deceptiveness which must be employed in order to 'lubricate' social interactions. The little lies of day to day life. There are a few examples of my psycholinguistic creations scattered throughout my web pages in the form of motion GIFs; eye-magic, as I call it.

As for my job, I tell cops where to go... and they go there. A friend once made the statement that I had gone to work for the dark side. I found this humorous considering the fact that he is now an attorney. Dispatching is sometimes interesting but always demanding, often requiring serious multi-tasking. I work the dog-watch (overnight) shift.

My perspectives on life have been gained through personal experiences and struggles. I began a quest to understand the meaning(s) of life as a teenager, and my search for truth has revealed more mysteries than it has solved. I have difficulty making light, fluffy conversation with people, as I would much rather discuss deeper topics. My life is generally solitary as a result. I am a philosopher by nature, with a (now) non-religious interest in the spiritual nature of humanity and life, itself. I have some knowledge of what most people would generalize as being 'occult' (hidden), but this has been gained only as part of a larger picture. I feel a strong kinship with Native American beliefs which recognize the spiritual nature of our world. I have personally experienced enough in my time to convince me that there is much more to reality than what we are led to believe (and disbelieve.) Telepathic communication is one example of this. The reason that its reality is even questioned can be understood within the greater issues of what it implies.

One healthy dose of telepathic communication between two souls is more than enough to crack open a passage of perception into the grandeur of what we are intended to be, and experience. It can be frightening to the ego, though, because it is deeply intimate, in its own way, and illustrates the self-illusionary nature which underlies the ego program. This is also why true communication between people is so rare; it borders on the deeper realms of telepathy, and when minds meet at such a level, all masks are left behind. It is the mask which keeps us stuck in human and lost to Being.

We are, by design, spiritual beings. Human is only an adjective, "Being" is the noun. If society were to become aware of the truly deep significance of this fact, the implications, the power structures that benefit from human ignorance and servitude would crumble. For this reason, measures are taken, at many levels, to keep people distracted from the truth. Enlightened minds cannot be easily manipulated, so it serves the forces of this physical world to deny and fight against any type of spiritual recognition. That is why Communist and Marxist movements must eliminate God and religion. There can be no greater power than the state. The USA is rapidly being pushed into Marxism, into a control system which necessitates the loss of freedom, the abolition of independent thought, and the tools being used are identical to those used on humanity decades ago. Our language, itself, has become a weapon used against us, and lacking a knowledge of history, most people are being played for fools and happily manipulated. Educational indoctrination clearly works, and we are being destroyed from within as a nation. If you to gain some political insight into what is being perpetrated, read the controversially titled book The Democrat Party Hates America, by Mark Levin. It provides very well documented insights into the mindset and undiscussed history of the power structure that is fundamentally transforming our nation, moving us into tyranny.

I am not a particularly political person, but I recognize patterns and currents. What I now see is our society being manipulated towards violence and disruption, subjugation, mass deception, and ignorance. The media has failed us and are complicit in most every instance, force-feeding propaganda, not facts or truth. Biden had a revealing quote before his election, stating We believe in truth, not facts. If you want a better understanding of what is going on, in general, do a little research on the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays. He was a pioneer in the the field of propaganda, basically creating the concept of public relations. (He wrote the book propaganda in 1928) His thesis was that by understanding the group mind, the hidden people who create knowledge and propaganda rule over the masses, monopolizing the power to shape thoughts, values, and citizen responses. It would be possible to manipulate people's behavior without their even realizing it. To test his hypothesis, Bernays launched one of his most famous public relations campaigns, convincing women to smoke in an era where that was taboo.

The USA education system's decades-old goal is indoctrination, not education. Parents who challenge the indoctrination practices, as well as thinking citizens who express politically incorrect thoughts, are labeled as domestic terrorists, or fascists. The true fascists are projecting their sins onto their victims. The FBI and Department of Justice have become weapons against such political 'enemies of the State.' If you try to call out these Marxist tactics being used against the citizenry, you're evil. Deluded. An enemy. Per Marx, political enemies are to be demonized by those who hold power, and our society has ushered into adopting its own two minutes of hate each day, as described by George Orwell in his ominously predictive book 1984.

So why do I share such negative truths as these? Because I believe in reality consensus. I'm not prompting political action, but promoting mere awareness and understanding of what is happening, of what is being done to people. In being enlightened, we have an influence over the consensus of reality, defying efforts to promote mental and moral darkness. Everything is vibration within our reality, and if we can raise our vibration level, if we can become increasingly spiritually aware, we influence the world around us. Why would I say this?

The human heart has an electrical component about 60 times greater, and an electromagnetic energy field 5000 times greater, than the human brain. The heart's energy field is said to reach at least three feet outside the body in one study, closer to 25-30 feet in another, and yet other research states it has been measured to go out as far as 5 miles distance. I am not going to go into a dissertation about the heart, but offer this as evidence that we do affect the world around us. If this is at all interesting to you, definitely read what I have written on my "Know XOX" page. about three groundbreaking experiments in the 1990s.

1) DNA directly influences the physical universe.
2) We live within a holographic universe.
3) We influence our physical DNA through a nonphysical, non-local form of energy that is directly linked to human emotion.

My Natal Diagram
I was intrigued by my natal star when
I recognized the 7-pointed star within
it, a symbol I adopted many years ago.
A Webcam Snapshot
natal star image

I enjoy crystals and stones.